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Dual Language Immersion Program Informational Meeting

Parents of students enrolled in Paseo Pointe’s Dual Language Immersion program for the 2016-17 school year are invited to attend an informational meeting on May 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Laveen Education Center, 5001 W. Dobbins.

At this meeting, parents will hear about the the curriculum and instruction plans and the commitment that will be required for the program’s success. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to have all your questions answered and meet the DLI staff.

You may R.S.V.P. for this meeting by contacting Rosalie Soviero at 602-237-9100, ext. 3048 or by email at

More details can be found in the letter that was sent to families enrolled in the DLI program.

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Governing Board Names School No. 8

At their January 7, 2016 meeting, the Laveen Elementary School District unanimously approved Paseo Point as the name of the district’s eighth school opening in August 2016. The ram was also selected as the mascot and green and gold as the school’s colors. The suggestions were developed in a community meeting that took place in December.

To learn more about Paseo Point, which will feature a dual language immersion program, visit the school’s webpage.

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Paseo Pointe to Offer Dual Language Immersion

Construction has begun on Laveen’s newest school, located near 55th Avenue and Dobbins Rd. When it opens in August 2016, it will feature Dual Language Immersion as its signature program.

Parents will have the option of placing their kindergarten-age students in a classroom where some subjects are taught in English for half of the day, and other subjects are taught in Spanish the other half. If there is sufficient interest, the option may be available for first graders, as well. The program will add a grade each year, so it will eventually be available K-8.

The benefits of Dual Language Immersion include:

  • Students develop oral, reading, and writing proficiency in two languages.
  • Students typically meet or exceed the academic performance of students in monolingual English classrooms.
  • Students are better prepared to engage in a global society that values cultural and linguistic diversity,

To assist the district in planning, please complete a brief survey.

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Paseo Pointe School Opening August 2016

The Laveen Elementary School District broke ground on its eighth school September 28, 2015.

The new school is located within the Paseo Point community near 55th Avenue and Dobbins. The future school will hold up to 1,000 students in Grades PK-8. It will feature a U-shaped, two-story classroom wing allowing for separation of grade levels, three preschool rooms with a separate play area, STEM classrooms, art and music rooms, and a second floor library with window views. The new school will offer a dual language program in Spanish.

The school is necessary as the other seven Laveen schools are quickly nearing capacity. “The district has grown by 900 students since the last school opened in 2012,” explained district superintendent Dr. Bill Johnson.  “The Arizona School Facilities Board estimates that Laveen will grow by an additional 3,000 students over the next 10 years.”

The site was acquired by the district in 2007 with funding through the Arizona School Facilities Board. Construction will cost $13 million and is being fronted by the district. “Unfortunately, due to legislation passed in 2013, the state will no longer approve new construction until student enrollments have reached or exceeded maximum capacity,” Johnson said. “This law does not take into account the time it takes to actually design and build a new school. We cannot let our schools become overcrowded and so we are relying on our local community to start the project.” Laveen has a bond question on the November ballot that, if approved, would help offset the cost.

The school was designed by EMC2 Architects and is being constructed by Chasse Building Team. It will open in August 2016.

Photos from the event can be found on the district’s flickr page.

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