Hello Paseo Pointe Families,
Unfortunately due to the recent school closure, we will need to cancel our upcoming screening assessments scheduled for Saturday, March 28, 2020.
We are unable at this time to officially reschedule our screening assessments. I understand not everyone receiving this email was required to screen as some of you are our PreK families. Regardless, I felt it necessary to include everyone joining our school community.
The rationale for our screening is to provide our parent’s information on their child’s academic readiness. Paseo Pointe is the dual language immersion school, we provide instruction in both Spanish and English. Therefore, students must come with some academic skills in order to be successful in a setting where they are also acquiring a new language. So we screen our incoming students in the following areas:
– Letter identification (in order (ABCD) and out of order (DKJA))
– Counting
– Sorting
– Reading readiness skills (if handed a book upside down and backward, how does the student handle the book, where do you start reading, how to turn the pages of a book)
– Shapes
– Colors
– Can the student write their name?
– Trace an object or two (observing pencil grip)
– Retell a short story (what happened in the story, who are the characters, setting?)
These are all concepts we screen for during the assessment. We are currently working to create a list of resources to support you at home.
If you have any questions feel free to let us know. We do apologize for this inconvenience.