Read October’s issue of our school newsletter, Ram Monthly.
Get Ready for the 2021-22 School Year
Paseo Pointe is looking forward to welcoming all of our new and returning Rams to the 2021-22 school year. Here are a few things you’ll want to make sure you review before school starts on August 2.
Take our survey on the Safe-Return to In-Person Learning. This survey will provide valuable information as we prepare for full in-person learning.
Bus Transportation
Students living within our school’s transportation zone are eligible for bus transportation.
Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Applications
For the 2021-2022 school year, all students will receive healthy school meals at no cost, regardless of income. Families are still encouraged to submit a school meal application for free or reduced-price meal benefits because this information may be used for other programs, such as Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT), Federal and State funding for your school, reduced registration fees for academic tests, free or discounted fees for athletic programs, discounted rates for internet service, and many more.
Laveen’s Kids Club is Now Enrolling for Before/After School Program
Laveen’s Kids Club is now enrolling students in before/ after school care. This licensed program offers carefully planned, well-supervised activities for children in grades kindergarten through sixth.
Kids Club staff guides participants through group games, team sports, hands-on science activities, arts and crafts, music, drama, plus many other activities from which your child may choose. Each day includes quiet time for homework assistance and encouragement, plus a nutritious snack.
Program hours vary by school site. Learn more at
School Newsletter for May
Read May’s school newsletter.
Paseo’s Virtual 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony is May 18
Join us on May 18 at 5:00 p.m. for our 8th Grade Virtual Promotion Ceremony. Visit the link below to join.
Prospective Families Invited to Attend May 4 Open House Event
Prospective families can learn more about our schools at our annual Open House event. Each of our schools will host an in-person open house on May 4, 2021. Two separate sessions will be held, at 5:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. Families will be provided with an overview of the school and a tour of the campus with special emphasis on the school’s signature program.
In order to assist in our planning and accommodate social distancing, we are asking visitors to register for this event at the link below. Face coverings are required of all visitors.
Visit our Open House page for more details.
School Newsletter for April
Read our school newsletter for April.
Paseo Pointe Book Fair is March 22-26
Paseo Pointe’s Spring Book Fair is scheduled for March 22-26. This is offered before and after school only. On March 25, from 4 – 6 PM, we will be having an outdoor family shopping event.
Hybrid Learning Resumes March 1
Students who selected the Flexible Learning Option (Hybrid) will return to on-campus instruction beginning March 1.
The local Laveen community is still experiencing substantial spread of the virus. The district has reviewed and updated the mitigation strategies and believe we have strong practices to prevent the spread of on campus. However, we are dependent on our families to help ensure these practices are followed so that our schools may remain open.
Most importantly, we ask you to keep your child home if they are not feeling well or have been exposed to someone infected with COVID-19. Properly-fitting masks, that cover both the nose and mouth, must be worn while on campus. And, students are asked to be mindful of social distancing.
As a reminder, all students returning on-site must have a signed COVID Acknowledgement Form on file. Parents may sign this form through their ParentVue account.
Laveen has established school-based metrics to determine if a classroom or campus must transition to virtual learning. These metrics, as well as other information related to the return to hybrid learning may be found on our website,
A few additional reminders for your child’s return:
- Students returning to campus should bring their charged Chromebook and reusable water bottle with them on March 1.
- Students who will be utilizing bus transportation must be registered for bus service through our Transportation Department. Students who were registered last semester do not need to register again.
- Breakfast and lunch will continue to be served free to all students for the rest of the school year, thanks to a waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Join Paseo Pointe School for a Virtual Exploration of Kindergarten
Enrolling a kindergartner next school year? Join us for a virtual exploration of Paseo Pointe’s kindergarten program on February 2 at 5:30 p.m.
We will be hosting this evening’s event through YouTube. Click this link to join us. A live Q&A will follow the presentation. Submit questions via this form.
Visit for more details.
Registration* for the 2021-22 school year will open February 2. Apply online at Enrollment requirements may apply.
Students may be enrolled in any of our schools regardless of where they live, space permitting. Families living outside of a school’s transportation zone will be responsible for providing transportation.
*Children must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2021 to register for kindergarten. Preschool for children ages 3-5 is offered at Desert Meadows, Paseo Pointe, and Vista del Sur.