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Paseo Archery Team Takes 2nd, 3rd Place

Congratulations to Paseo Pointe’s Archery team which placed in the AZ Archery in the Schools State Tournament! They took 2nd Place in Elementary Team Bullseye and 3rd Place in Elementary Team 3D (three-dimensional foam animals).  

The 3D Team of eight members qualified to go to Nationals. The 2nd Place team just missed qualifying by 21 points — that’s only 3 arrows.

Junior high teams in both events took 5th Place, but competition was more challenging and qualifying scores were higher than in the elementary category.

Six archers placed in the Top 10 in their division, which automatically qualifies them for Nationals as an individual.

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Join Laveen Schools for an Open House

Interested in enrolling your child in one of Laveen’s outstanding schools? Prospective families are invited to visit the Laveen school of their choice during our annual spring open house events.

Visit our Open House page to learn more about our schools and reserve a space for the campus tour.



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Dual Language Immersion Curriculum Committee Seeks Members

Paseo Pointe school is seeking parents, teachers, and staff to serve in a leadership capacity to research and evaluate Dual Language/Spanish curriculum to support Grades K – 8. The committee will be trained in evaluative criteria prior to reviewing programs and accompanying resources. Our first meeting dates are scheduled for March 28 and April 4 at Paseo Pointe school from 3pm-4pm .

To apply, interested stakeholders should submit a brief letter of interest to Jonathan Rohloff by Monday, March 20. The selected committee will be notified on Thursday, March 23.

Please direct any questions to Jonathan Rohloff, Principal at Paseo Pointe School at


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Exceptional Service Awards

Congratulations to our 2022-23 Exceptional Service Award winner Shari Reed, Health Associate! The Exceptional Service Award is the district’s highest honor for classified staff members.

These individuals display the following attributes:
-Strong attendance and dependability
-High quality and quantity of work
-Excel at working harmoniously with others
-Expert in their job responsibilities
-Regularly show initiative and creatively solve problems
-Provide excellent customer service
Their commitment to our students, staff and community is greatly appreciated.

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Paseo Pointe celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with annual parade

Paseo Pointe held their annual parade in celebration of Hispanic Heritage month. Each class selected a Spanish speaking country to study. They then decorated their bulletin boards with facts about that country. During the parade, they held their designed flags and banners to represent the country their class selected. Many students and staff dressed in traditional attire for the parade. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

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Superintendent Launches Math All-Stars Club to Students in Grades 3-4

Math all-stars club logoIn September 2022,  Dr. Jeff Sprout launched the Superintendent’s Math All-Stars Club to all students in Grades 3-4 through a series of student assemblies.

Math All-Stars are challenged to spend 15 minutes a day practicing math skills. Students who join the club will be given a Chromebook to use at home for the duration of the school year. Participants will use the ALEKS online math program, a companion product to the district’s math curriculum. ALEKS uses adaptive tools to tailor students’ math practice to their identified needs.

Students who are in the Math All-Stars Club can earn monthly prizes for their participation.

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Join Paseo Pointe for Rad Night

Rad Night is Thursday September 22nd 2022 from 4:30 pm tp 5:30 pm.

During Rad night parents/guardians will have the opportunity to

  • Review their students data
  • Learn about this years academic goals
  • Access curriculum and standards
  • Learn how you can support your child’s progress at home


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